Ai Colleges In California Rating: 6,9/10 2111 reviews

University of California - Los Angeles. Freshman: The University of California, Los Angeles is a premier university that offers not only quality academic instruction, but also a plethora of opportunities to apply in real life whatever is picked up in lessons; this includes internship and undergraduate research prospects. The Art Institutes is a system of 8 private, non-profit schools with a focus on education, student outcomes, and community involvement. Learn more about our programs.

In order to provide practical and relevant education and service to ranchers, Texas AgriLife Extension works closely with industry groups to offer educational programs in artificial insemination (AI) and pregnancy determination in cattle.

In addition to the actual, hands-on training using live cattle in these two techniques, participants will devote half of their time to classroom instruction in herd management. Topics covered include:

  • anatomy and physiology of reproduction,
  • principles and techniques of artificial insemination,
  • management application and techniques of pregnancy determination,
  • semen handling and thawing,
  • estrous synchronization,
  • selection and time of the breeding season to optimize fertility,
  • successful feeding and mineral programs for the breeding her,
  • genetic selection and record keeping programs,
  • replacement heifer development and management,
  • management to avoid calving problems, and
  • herd health programs.

Participants are given a comprehensive manual on AI technique and management. In addition, participants also enrolled to take the pregnancy determination training will be provided a manual on Pregnancy Determination in Cattle. School curriculum time also is devoted to other subjects, and participants are given an introduction to the Texas Beef Cattle Management Handbook with information on securing a personal copy.

Top Ai Colleges

Please Note: To be eligible for training in pregnancy determination, participants must have had previous AI training or be concurrently enrolled in AI training. Training received from any of the major AI companies or a college/university course will satisfy this requirement.

Prices for the specialized training are variable and depend upon the choice of the sponsoring company. Currently fees have been set at:

  • AI and pregnancy determination (taken concurrently from Bovine Elite) – $900 ($250 non-refundable deposit required at time of booking, it will go towards the cost of the class)
  • Artificial insemination taken alone – Bovine Elite, LLC – $600 ($250 non-refundable deposit required at time of booking, it will go towards the cost of the class)

The registration fees are necessary to defray the expenses associated with the technical training. Registration normally begins at 8:00 a.m. on the first morning of the school except for weekend schools which start at 6:00 p.m. on Friday. All participants must complete a practical examination in each technique on the last afternoon of the school.

Please Note:Bovine Elite or ABS handles registration.

It is imperative that participants contact the school coordinator at least two weeks in advance, since schools not having the minimum number of participants may be canceled. Advance registration is requested and can be obtained by contacting the appropriate coordinator at one of the following phone numbers or Web sites. All companies require a deposit with advanced registration, which will be applied to the full registration amount.

Bovine Elite, LLC
Carl Rugg (979.693.0388) –

Dates & registration information can be found by clicking here.

For more information, contact:
Bruce Carpenter, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Livestock Specialist
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
PO Box 1298
Ft. Stockton, TX 79735
Tel. 432.336.8585
Fax. 432.336.3813

Ai Colleges In California


  • at approximately 2:30 p.m., BMG Conference Room, 925 L Street, Sacr
    Public Notice



    November 14, 2018

    For Additional Information Contact:

    Jeanne R. Wolfe, Executive Director (A)

    (916) 445-2125

    Second Revised Notice of Meeting (Teleconference Location Updated)

    On Thursday, November 15, 2018, the Little Hoover Commission will conduct a meeting to discuss and consider for adoption a draft report on the Commission’s study into artificial intelligence. The Commission may also consider items for future action or meetings. The meeting will begin at 2:30 p.m. in the BMG Conference Room located on the lower level of 925 L Street in Sacramento. This second revised notice only updates the additional teleconference locations, which are listed below:

    • 750 Battery Street, Suite 400, San Francisco, CA 94111
    • 585 Franklin Street, Mountain View, CA 94041
    • 425 S. Palos Verdes Street, San Pedro, CA 90731
    • 3750 University Avenue, 6th Floor, Riverside, CA 92501-3323
    • 490 Geary Street, San Francisco, CA 94102
    • 8535 W Higgins Rd, Chicago, IL 60631
    • 21-G Orinda Way, Orinda, CA 94563

    If you need reasonable accommodation due to a disability, please contact the Executive Director (A) at (916) 445-2125 or by Monday, November 12, 2018.

  • at approximately 9:30 a.m., BMG Conference Room, 925 L Street, Sacr


    Business Meeting
    Thursday, October 25, 2018
    925 L Street, BMG Conference Room
    Sacramento, CA

    I. Business Meeting Minutes from March 22, July 26 and September 27, 2018

    II. Draft Report on AI Study for Review and Consideration

    III. Draft Report on Voter Participation for Review and Consideration

    IV. Subcommittee Reports

    V. Project Selection

    VI. Implementation and Impact Activity

    VII. Reports from the California State Auditor’s Office

    VIII. Closed Session:


    The Commission will meet in closed session to discuss personnel matters consistent with Government Code section 11126, subdivision (a)(1).

    Public Notice



    October 12, 2018

    For Additional Information Contact:

    Jeanne R. Wolfe, Executive Director (A)

    (916) 445-2125

    Revised Notice of Meeting (Meeting Location Updated)

    On Thursday, October 25, 2018, the Little Hoover Commission will conduct a business meeting to review and consider draft letter reports on two current studies. The Commission will also conduct regularly scheduled activities. The meeting will begin at 9:30 a.m. in the BMG Conference Room located on the lower level of 925 L Street in Sacramento.

    Following this discussion, the Commission may meet in closed session to discuss personnel matters consistent with Government Code section 11126, subdivision (a)(1). The Commission will then reconvene in open session and publically announce any actions taken in closed session consistent with Government Code section 11126.3, subdivision(f).

    If you need reasonable accommodation due to a disability, please contact the Executive Director (A) at (916) 445-2125 or by Thursday, October 18, 2018.

  • at approximately 9:30 a.m., Room 175, 925 L Street, Sacramento, CA


    Business Meeting
    Thursday, September 27, 2017
    925 L Street, Room 175
    Sacramento, CA

    I. Business Meeting Minutes from March 22, 2018 and July 26, 2018

    II. Draft Letter on Denti-Cal Update for Review, Consideration and Possible Adoption

    III. Draft Report for Review and Consideration on AI Study

    IV. Subcommittee Reports

    V. Project Selection

    VI. Implementation and Impact Activity

    VII. Reports from the California State Auditor’s Office

    VIII. Closed Session:


    The Commission will meet in closed session to discuss personnel matters consistent with Government Code section 11126, subdivision (a)(1).

    Public Notice



    September 13, 2018

    For Additional Information Contact:

    Jeanne R. Wolfe, Executive Director (A)

    (916) 445-2125

    Notice of Meeting

    On Thursday, September 27, 2018, the Little Hoover Commission will conduct a business meeting to review and consider a draft report on a current study and a draft letter report on a prior study. The Commission will also conduct regularly scheduled activities. The meeting will begin at 9:30 a.m. in Conference Room 175 located on the first floor of 925 L Street in Sacramento.

    Following this discussion, the Commission will meet in closed session to discuss personnel matters consistent with Government Code section 11126, subdivision (a)(1). The Commission will then reconvene in open session and publically announce any actions taken in closed session consistent with Government Code section 11126.3, subdivision(f).

    Following these updates, the Commission will conduct other business as detailed on the agenda.

    If you need reasonable accommodation due to a disability, please contact the Executive Director (A) at (916) 445-2125 or by Thursday, September 20, 2018.

  • 9:30 a.m., Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) Bechtel Con


    Advisory Committee Meeting
    Thursday, August 23, 2018, 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
    Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) Bechtel Conference Center
    500 Washington Street
    San Francisco, CA 94111

    9:30 – 9:40 a.m.

    Welcome and Introduction to Study
    David Beier, Chair, Artificial Intelligence Sub-Committee
    Commission Study Process and Advisory Committee Role
    Jeanne R. Wolfe, Executive Director (A), Little Hoover Commission

    9:40 – 11:15 a.m.


    • What are the challenges and opportunities of AI-powered technologies?

    • How can the state best utilize AI-powered technologies to improve public services and promote ethical considerations in design and deployment?
    • What role should the state play in any legal or policy framework for AI-powered technologies?

    11:15 – 11:30 a.m.

    Final Comments

    There will be an opportunity for public comment at the end of the discussion. Please notify Commission staff if you would like to make a comment.

    Public Notice


    August 9, 2018

    For Additional Information Contact:
    (916) 445-2125

    Notice of Advisory Committee Meeting

    On Thursday, August 23, 2018, the Little Hoover Commission’s subcommittee on artificial intelligence will hold an advisory committee meeting which is open to the public and will begin at 9:30 a.m. in the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) Bechtel Conference Center, 500 Washington Street, San Francisco. Members of the public will have the opportunity to comment on any item on the subcommittee’s agenda at the end of the meeting. The subcommittee also welcomes written comments on the agenda items.

    The Little Hoover Commission’s advisory committee meetings are open to the public except when specifically noticed otherwise in accordance with the Open Meeting Act. Times are approximate and subject to change. Agenda items may be taken out of order to accommodate participants and encourage open discussion. The subcommittee meeting may be cancelled without notice. Written comments on the agenda items should be submitted to the Commission no later than 12:00 p.m. the day before the subcommittee meeting. Please email written comments to For any questions regarding this meeting, please call (916) 445-2125.

    If you need reasonable accommodation due to a disability, please contact the Executive Director (A) at (916) 445-2125 or by Thursday, August 16, 2018.

  • Agenda


    Advisory Committee Meeting on Future of Work, Automation and Workforce Data
    Thursday, May 24, 2018, 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
    Lower Level Conference Room
    925 L Street, Sacramento, CA
    425 S Palos Verdes Street
    San Pedro, CA 90731

    Meeting Background: The Little Hoover Commission is conducting a study on the applications and implications of artificial intelligence (AI). Its first hearing focused on the key challenges of AI in California, its economic implications and how it can be used to solve societal ills. Following the hearing, Commissioners indicated they wanted to learn about how California is preparing for the impacts of automation using state-owned data and discuss future workforce impacts. This advisory committee meeting will allow state officials, labor union representatives and other stakeholders the opportunity to discuss how the state collects labor data and share their views on how improvements can be made so long-term projections better reflect impacts of AI.

    Meeting Goals: To allow stakeholders to share information on labor data and its current limitations, discuss potential changes in the workforce and brainstorm on how the state can create and obtain better information to inform its planning decisions. The intent is to inform Commission recommendations.

    9:30 – 9:45 a.m.

    Welcome and Introductions
    David Beier, Chair, Artificial Intelligence Subcommittee
    Iveta Brigis, Vice Chair, Artificial Intelligence Subcommittee
    Sean Varner, Vice Chair, Little Hoover Commission

    9:45 – 10:30 a.m.
    Government Agencies

    • Understanding the lack of long-term labor data: What role does your state agency play in the creation of labor data and workforce planning? Does your agency develop or use long-term labor projections? What are the limitations of that information when considering how AI will impact future jobs? What essential state policies are implicated by correct or incorrect labor projections? How are you planning for the impacts of automation, AI and robotics? What labor data predictions do you wish the state had?

    10:30 – 11:15 a.m.
    All Participants

    • Trends in the future of work: How is your organization or agency researching AI and automation? What are the data sources you use? What are the limitations of current data, and how could they be improved? What are the three or four major trends in job losses and gains, changes in the nature of work and evolution in the skills necessary for the jobs of the future due to AI?

    11:15 – 11:45 a.m.
    All Participants

    • Opportunities and impacts of AI and machine learning: Based on your own research and knowledge, what are the biggest ways AI and machine learning might impact the State of California, its residents and its current and future workforce? How can we work together to incorporate>
    • Ryan Calo, Associate Professor, University of Washington School of Law (Written Testimony)
    • Workforce and Automation: Implications and Potential Mitigations

      1. Robert Atkinson, President, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (Written Testimony)
      2. Annette Bernhardt, Senior Researcher, UC Berkeley Institute for Research on Labor and Employment (Written Testimony)
      3. Glenda Humiston, Vice President, UC Agriculture and Natural Resources (Written Testimony, Attachment)

      Artificial Intelligence Takes on Societal Problems

      1. Eric Rice and Milind Tambe, Co-Directors, USC Center for Artificial Intelligence in Society (Written Testimony)

      Comments Made by the Public
      California State University (Written Testimony)

    Public Notice


    January 11, 2018

    For Additional Information Contact:
    Terri Hardy, Deputy Executive Director
    (916) 445-2125

    Notice of Meeting

    On Thursday, January 25, 2018, the Little Hoover Commission will conduct a public hearing on the applications of artificial intelligence in California. The Commission will consider the key challenges of artificial intelligence, its economic implications for the state and how it can be used to solve societal ills. The hearing will begin at 9:30 a.m. in Room 437 of the State Capitol in Sacramento.
    At the hearing, the Commission will first hear a discussion regarding artificial intelligence and employment. Representatives from McKinsey & Company and California Forward will discuss research on occupational disruption as a result of new technologies. Next, the Commission will hear from a University of Washington law and technology professor, who will discuss the major policy questions of artificial intelligence, its current and future applications and the importance of ensuring some form of in-house technical expertise for policymakers. The Commission will then hear from a panel on workforce impacts of artificial intelligence and automation. The panel, consisting of representatives from the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation and the University of California, will discuss the positive and negative effects of automation, potential policy mitigations such as retraining and the role of government in supporting artificial intelligence. Lastly, the Commission will hear from representatives of the USC Center for Artificial Intelligence in Society, who will discuss the use of artificial intelligence in solving difficult social problems such as educating homeless youth about HIV and AIDS.
    There will be an opportunity for public comment at the end of the hearing. Public comments will be limited to three minutes per person. The Commission also encourages written comments.

    Immediately following the hearing, the Commission will hold a business meeting in the lower level conference room at 925 L Street in Sacramento.

    If you need reasonable accommodation due to a disability, please contact (916) 445-2125 or by Thursday, January 18, 2018.